The YNAB Podcast

According to Jesse, absolutely you can! In fact, YNAB enables you to be more spontaneous. Planning your spending with YNAB doesn't mean locking your dollars into rigid categories that cannot change. It means setting aside money ahead of time for the things you don't know you want yet. Many people who thrive on spontaneity unfortunately end up in financial trouble, because they're never sure whether they have the money to afford their spur of the moment purchases and experiences. Using YNAB, however, you can set up categories whose only purpose is to hold money for spontaneous expenses, so that when the time comes you can spend the money without worrying about the consequences later. It's already there, and it's meant to be spent!


Celebrate YNAB's 20th Anniversary: YNAB Fan Fest, September 21, 2024


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Direct download: 681_Can_You_Plan_to_Be_Spontaneous.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

We tend to think of spending as a problem that needs to be solved, however YNAB encourages spending as a thing to be enjoyed, as long as that spending is in accordance with priorities and people understand the tradeoffs they are making when they spend. In the world of personal finance we also tend to think about people who are natural spenders, but they are natural savers as well, and YNAB can help them too! Jesse responds to a comment from a YNAB team member who identifies as a natural saver, who has used YNAB to learn to love spending money as much as she does saving it.


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Facebook: @iYNAB

Instagram: @youneedabudget

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Tik Tok: @ynabofficial

Direct download: 680_Helping_Savers_Spend.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

Jesse fields a question from the YNAB team about how he stays positive in light of rapidly increasing grocery prices.


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Facebook: @iYNAB

Instagram: @youneedabudget

Twitter: @ynab

Tik Tok: @ynabofficial

Direct download: 679_Cheaper_Milk_and_Eggs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

Jesse answers another round of questions from his inbox, including a number of suggestions for new books to read!



Got a question for Jesse? Send him an email:


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Facebook: @iYNAB

Instagram: @youneedabudget

Twitter: @ynab

Tik Tok: @ynabofficial

Direct download: 678_Ask_Jesse_Heady_Books.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST