Sun, 28 October 2012
If you're like most (and you probably are), you're driving too much car. Consider how it just might be keeping you from the financial goals you REALLY care about.
Direct download: 054_-_Your_is_a_Wealth_Sucking_Parasite.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm MST |
Sun, 21 October 2012
This is epicly long. My first goal with YNAB was to make our $350 rent. And now in 2011 we were Utah's 9th fastest growing company. Who…woulda…thought.
Direct download: 053_-_A_Behind_the_Scenes_Look_at_How_YNAB_Started_and_Where_Were_Headed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm MST |
Sun, 14 October 2012
I love what Jon Stein's doing over at Betterment. If you're afraid of investing, you should listen to this. If you want to be lazy about your investing, you should listen to this.
Direct download: 052_-_An_Interview_with_Jon_Stein_of_Betterment--You_CAN_Invest.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm MST |
Mon, 8 October 2012
If I ever start another company, it will be to make a toaster so well-built, you'll pass it on to your grandkids. Has the "cheaper is better" skewed our instincts that used to follow the law of the harvest?
Direct download: 051_-_Quality_and_the_Law_of_the_Harvest.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm MST |
Sun, 30 September 2012
What's your retirement savings rate? Have you started saving for retirement? What aspects of your retirement nest egg are actually in your control?
Direct download: 050_-_A_Startling_Statistic_Strikes_Fear_in_My_Heart._You.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm MST |